Friday, November 25, 2011

Countdown T-minus 60 hours!

Today's appointment went well - Todd was able to go to the appointment and experience what a sonogram entails. It was nice to have him there so he could see what the procedure is like but also I couldn't look at him out of fear of bursting out in laughter as I was in the uncomfortable gynecological our egg retrieval date is officially set as MONDAY, 11/28 at 9:00am. Dr Mayer said I would have been OK to go on Sunday but he'd prefer to have one more day of growth to really get those borderline follicles up to 16mm. I got upset with the day delay but Todd said that it's nothing to be upset about - Dr Mayer is being "greedy" and "greedy is good for us!" which is an interesting spin on it. So one more night of FSH injection and that's it!

Egg retrieval, or "egg aspiration", is a minor surgery but involves no cutting. I'll "assume the position" and then a needle with an ultrasound will go in and lightly suck out each egg from a follicle. From that the eggs will go directly to the embryologist where Todd's swimmers will be thawed and waiting. The procedure is done under full anesthesia at Tampa General. I can do normal activity that afternoon, there is only an hour recovery time. Pretty minor procedure with pretty major results. This website has a pretty good step-by-step of what happens.

The "operation table".

This isn't me - I don't think I'd sign the consent form to allow this photographed!!

So, not a big update but there are dates and times set in stone which is a good thing. And my wonderful sister's 30th birthday is on Monday so that MUST be a good sign that it will be a great success - the best sister in the world was born that day, no reason why a great number of healthy eggs wouldn't be retrieved that same day. And not having on Sunday is actually a blessing in disguise because we got new puppy Macy this weekend and now we'll have the full un-interrupted weekend to spend time with her and make sure she's acclimated to our house.

So cheers to the LAST Menopur shot tonight! Cheers to the LAST Lupron injection in the morning! and cheers to the VERY LAST injection of them all Saturday night at 9pm!!

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