Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Clean Butts are Happy Butts

I had been in an internal panic that I wouldn’t have any diapers for my children, I was purchasing a package of diapers every time I stopped at the grocery store or Target just to start my stockpile. I officially do not need to think about diapers anymore. Why? Because my work held a diaper baby shower and we have a truckload (literally a truckload!) of diapers! Holy cow!

A truckload of diapers

To put some of the diapering into perspective – we received 3,369 diapers at the party and about 4,000 wipes. Since I’m a nerd and I enjoy math – here’s some statistics about our poop-catching cloths:
·         On average each diaper costs $0.23. We have a total value of $775 in diapers
·         If each newborn goes through 10 diapers each day, that’s 20 diapers for the twins. That will last more than ½ of a year at the maximum usage rate.
·         On average each wipe costs $0.05. We have a value of $200 in wipes.
·         If each changing requires 2 wipes, that’s 40 wipes per day. The stockpile of wipes will last for more than 3 months.

Yea, we have a total of nearly $1,000 value in butt cleaning products stashed throughout the house. It looks ridiculous that diapers are stashed in every nook and cranny, and boxes are stacked high on the camper in the garage. I think what’s most intimidating is that all of these will be used…that’s a lot of poop!

I’ll officially stop clipping coupons for diapers and wipes for awhile. (Unless it’s a deal I can’t pass up like combining a Publix coupon, a Winn Dixie coupon, and a manufacturer coupon to get diapers for pennies…couponing is addicting, I can’t stop that).Now it’s trying to find another focus for my couponing stockpile.  I don’t know what that next level will be but I need to fill this couponing void! I’ve joined all of the baby clubs, rewards points clubs, formula clubs to get maximum benefit of having twins and needing twice the product of everything. I doubt this energy for couponing and rewards points will last once the babies are born…

What else is going on – the “nesting” piece is kicking in. Last weekend I did a bunch of laundry to clean the 0-3 month clothes, sheets, and blankets. I didn’t use that special baby detergent- I’m using All Free & Clear, supposed to be hypoallergenic so I’m hopeful the babies are happy with that. I’m avoiding washing the “fancy clothes”, I’ve just washed the onesies since I’m unsure if these babies will be big or small. I’m still not sure what I “need” still or what I just “want”; we’re quickly running out of space for baby gear! I know we have more than we need already – if the babies would just get here I’d stop worrying about not having enough and realize we’ve got essentials!

We went to the “caring for newborns” class last night; we learned how to wash a baby, swaddle, use the nose-suckers, general wellbeing for babies. Once again left the class feeling very overwhelmed with all of the things that newborns need and I’m sure I’ll forget most of what the instructor said.  Overall the classes at Tampa General have been informative, we’ve been seeing a lot of the same couples in the classes. We feel comfortable with the hospital, aware of their procedures and facilities…so now we just wait…and wait…and wait…

My to-do list for the week for baby prep:
1.    Finish washing 0-3 month items, socks, hats, and booties
2.    Make a hospital bag
3.    Make a birth plan (if I even have an option of c-section or normal)
4.    Continue cocoa-buttering 2x per day to encourage these stretch marks to go away.
5.    Buy more diapers (haha just kidding!)

Wrights cake...SO delicious!

Yes, I weigh more than Todd now.

Thanks to the sneaky beautiful party planners! You're fabulous!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

I Was Made For This

Amazing powerful realization occurred on Tuesday night that was just like lightning and hit me. I was made for this. Not only me, but God created all women specifically and purposefully to make, nurture, house, deliver, and sustain babies. I know that might seem painfully obvious, but the details of what I’ve seen in the labor and delivery class as well as the breastfeeding class just put it even stronger in my brain that God has a purpose for me! All of the struggle of conception, the science behind how our babies made it…God knew that my mind and faith were strong enough to handle the process, and he knew and built my body to be tough enough going through a twin pregnancy, delivery, and motherhood. To think that I’m providing every nutrient these babies need right now, and that the babies and I will be working together to deliver, and then I’ll be able to provide every nutrient they need when they arrive…I don’t even have words!
I was made for this. My stretch marks would tell you differently – that my body wasn’t made to be stretched like it is…but seeing how my body has changed, knowing the route the babies will take to come out and how babies instinctually know in the womb to turn vertex and face outward, and knowing that my body will provide every nutrient that my babies will need…it’s unfathomable. God is awesome, and this crazy complex human body was made for this very purpose. Sorry boys, you have a great purpose but yours is more of a support role than THE main act.
I’m jazzed for labor and breastfeeding now! (Remind me that I said this in 2 months when I’m in excruciating pain and at a lack of sleep…). The more education I get, this process really is the miracle of life. The coolest thing that I’ve learned this week was in the breastfeeding class and that there is the natural instinct of a newborn to crawl across mom’s chest to feed right out of the womb. Baby isn’t even cleaned off or really cute yet, but placed skin to skin on mom will instinctually use smell and warmth to find their own way to the milk and latch on. No help needed. This little baby that is just minutes old into a scary and cold external world knows exactly what to do – God programmed that tiny little brain to know mom that well. I think Todd was annoyed with me during the class as I kept turning to him and saying “no way! That’s crazy!”
What else got me jazzed is that my over-achieving nature is helping me succeed in this pregnancy. Now, I know that every pregnancy is different and I’m very fortunate to have Todd so supportive and job that keeps me from going baby-crazy and a healthy body that is allowing success. But when we’re in these classes and I’m listening to women at 29 weeks complain about feet aching, not being able to work, being miserable with 1 baby…yeah, I don’t have much pity for that complaining. I’m pulling 10+ workdays, forgetting to eat lunch, traveling, still taking care of dogs, making dinner…with two. And I don’t think I’m complaining TOO much in the process, but you’ll have to ask Todd. And I haven’t really experienced any terrible physical signs. I was tired the first trimester but never threw up. I never got “pregnancy brain” and the forgetfulness.  So 1 point for Kelly for being tough.  Also, a big risk with multiples is that one baby will grow at a faster rate than another – nope, mine are both right on track at 29 weeks both roughly the same size. No complications, no gestational diabetes, no cervical problems. So 1 more point for Kelly for being a good provider. Many women have difficulty and fear that they won’t be able to provide milk for their babies – well, I’ve already got evidence in my bras that it won’t be a problem for me. So 1 more point for Kelly and my lady lumps. It’s just all a blessing and the pieces of the miracle puzzle are being put together in my mind. Physically God made women’s bodies to do this. Personally, God gave me the mind, body, and strength to do this. He knew exactly what He was doing. So, 1 billion points for God for all of his gifts.
The only parting thought I can leave today is from Jeremiah 1:5 -
"I knew you before I formed you in your mother’s womb. Before you were born I set you apart ..."