Tuesday, December 27, 2011

It's nearly been 1 month since the egg retrieval - I'm still in awe and fascination about the entire process we've gone through. Other than the sonogram and positive pregnancy results, I don't feel much different and anything I could attribute to being pregnant I could also attribute to me having a cold (headache, fatigue, stomach ache).

Overall, I'm quite tired. Usually I fall asleep on the couch around 8pm everynight anyway, but i've had some nights that are even earlier than that, and over the holidays I would sleep in until about 8am and even take an afternoon nap. I did have a cold, but I didn't take any NyQuil or anything so I was sleeping on my own. I also had a scary moment the other night in my sleep. I was sleeping and I felt something dripping out of my nose and I thought "wow, my cold is really bad if I can feel the boogers dripping out". So I get up to get a tissue from the bathroom and my face is covered in blood! It wasn't a booger drip, it was a bloody nose! I don't recall ever having a bloody nose so I wake todd up in a panic and he saved the day. While I was hunched over the sink trying to stop the bleeding todd did a quick online search and read that bloody nose is common with pregnancy since my blood flow is increased.

I also had some really weird dreams -  not nightmares but just really odd dreams. Otherwise next appointment is January 5th, hopefully we'll hear 2 healthy little heartbeats!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

The Results

Results are in - many of you are anxiously awaiting the news, some already know. i was waiting to make sure I had all of my information correct before I wrote anything. Result is...PREGNANT!

I took some home pregnancy tests during the 2 week window and got a postive toward the end so it wasn't as nerve wrecking to go to get the blood test last Wednesday. Then, blood test results for 11dp5dt were a 787 which is really good. They were measuring the HCG levels in my blood, which is the hormone the baby gives off when it starts growing the first 12 weeks. Heathly baby development is indicated by that HCG number doubling in 48 hours so I was instructed to go back for a test in 48 hours. The results from my 13dp5dt was nearly 2100 - most definitly a doubling! Very exciting!!

So this morning we had our first sonogram to see the gestational sacs and evaluate my ovaries to make sure they are healing property. You tell me...how many sacs to do see?!?!


It kind of looks like a pigs nose, but there are 2 sacs in there which indicates two babies are growing as of now! What an amazing thing to think that through this whole adventure the two that were selected to go back in are the two that are sticking it out right now! We still have a very long way to go, we are not in the clear yet (haven't heard heartbeats, haven't seen spine development) but as of right now we couldn't feel any more fortunate. And if something does happen, we have 6 more frozen blasties waiting to be used.

How am I feeling? Burchell Bloat is back unfortunately. Doctor seems very concerned that my ovaries have not gone down, he said I need to only drink Gatorade (no more water) and other things that will draw blood and fluid back into my bloodstream and out of my ovaries. I have to be monitored very closely for Ovary Hyper Stimulation Syndrome so more bloodwork, daily weigh ins, daily measuring. Probably my big busy disney weekend of walking around and eating like a big didn't help so this week I'm back on the V8, chicken soup, and gatorade diet until christmas cookies anyway :)

Thank you for your continued prayers and support - we've still got a long way to go so please say two little prayers for our two little babies that are growing right now!

Friday, December 9, 2011

6dp5dt Update

6 days past transfer update...well, the best news I can give today is that there are less days waiting between the blood test than we started out with. Blood test is on Tuesday 12/13 and the results should be called that afternoon. I've been keeping pretty busy, Macy-pup is quite a handful so constantly watching her and playing with her keeps me busy. And the preparation for Christmas, shopping, decorating, and cleaning for our house guests next weekend.

Another nugget of good news - I don't really miss my Diet Coke or coffee that much! WHAT?!? I've been drinking herbal tea in the morning and drinking a lot of water and Gatorade and I'm really not missing my soda that much. And caffeine-free diet coke does not taste the same as regular so it's not even an option!

How am I feeling? Well, the bloating has completely subsided. I'm back to my pre-blimp size, fitting into pants (kind of). I still have the weight gain from the shots but the intense bloating and swelling is gone which is good. I can put my shoes on and bend over again. Don't "feel" pregnant, and I'm driving myself crazy with too much Google searches on symptoms or "what should i feel on 6dp5dt".

Next blog will possibly be Tuesday afternoon. Keep us in your prayers that if the embryos took that they're growing steadily and happy.

Monday, December 5, 2011

2dp5dt Update

In "IVF lingo", I'm 2dp5dt (2 days past 5 day transfer). What does that mean? Pretty much nothing big to report. It means the embryos they put in should have hatched and begun to implant. It means it's still too early to POAS (pee on a stick), too early to detect if anything has worked or not. It means I need to be patient...luckily it's a busy week at work so I can keep my mind off of it for awhile. You can easily drive yourself crazy trying to associate anything to being a sign of being pregnant. But all you can do in this time period is wait and pray.

So the day of the procedure was uneventful. Going to Tampa General Hospital on a Saturday is awesome, nobody is there, all appointments are running on time, and you do not feel rushed. Dr Mayer did the procedure and gave us pictures of our "blasties". Blastocysts are embryos that have formed enough to develop into strong cells. Below are the pictures of the TWO blasties that Dr Mayer transferred. (Yes, we decided to go with two. Better chances with 2, since it's a 50/50 shot anyway).

I really like this website and their explanation of the cell development and there is even a very short video of the transfer process. This is EXACTLY what we saw! Todd was in the room and was holding my hand as we both watched the ultrasound monitor during the procedure and it truly is a white dot that pops out onto the screen after a "3-2-1" countdown! And then of course I cried  because really who gets to see themselves get pregnant!?! http://www.advancedfertility.com/embryotransfer.htm

While I'm in the 2 week waiting period, I think I want to reflect a little on the process and give my top 10 review of the process so far.
  1. I was nervous about writing a blog or publicizing what I am going through to people. However, I am so glad that I did. Talking about the process and procedure makes it less scary to me, and allows others to be involved and give support. I'm so thankful and blessed to have people that want to know what's going on.
  2. I cannot say enough good things about USF Health. I have felt like I was Dr Mayers only patient because he takes the time to explain and educate and the nurse coordinators call and provide information in a timely manner. It wasn't until I had everyday monitoring that I even considered there were other women on the same timing of cycle as I was!
  3. There is a lot of internet research and resources out there. Probably too much so there is information overload.
  4. Time FLIES! I cannot believe I'm in the 2ww (two week wait) already. It feels like yesterday that I was starting at the 43 shots that I have to go through!
  5. Group medical plan insurance should cover infertility treatments or at least the medicine. If our company can cover the other things they chose to cover that are controversial, they should cover this as well. I understand pregnancy is never a medically necessary procedure but a little help from group health plan would have gone a long way not only for me, but to continue to be an employer of choice.
  6. As much as it lacks intimacy, the process has reinforced me and Todd's appreciation for each other and what we would go through for each other. His procedures sure weren't pleasant, and neither were mine. But we do it for each other.
  7. Todd will never be OK with needles.
  8. We feel extremely intelligent with the beginning stages of how pregnancy occurs! I know nothing about the (hopefully) upcoming 9 months of pregnancy but I sure know about near everything to the conception process and what a magnificent science it is!
  9. Todd has a very new understanding of what a gynecologist does. He knew it was an up close and personal encounter, but he never quite understood HOW close!
  10. God is ultimately in control. Medicine can do wonders, but it is still God's choice if and when and how we have a family.
The blood test will be scheduled sometime the week of the 12th so there is still a considerable time of waiting left to do. In the meantime, continue to pray, continue to have hope, and thanks for the support.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Burchell Bloat

So I take back everything I've written in previous posts about not having any symptoms and feeling great and not being affected. This week has been rough - bloat of the century! I look like I'm 5 months pregnant I'm so bloated but the weird thing is I have only gained 3 pounds so it's not like I've gained an obscene amount of weight to be this bloated. It's pretty uncomfortable bloat and I've been drinking water nonstop to try to flush out the rest but nothing seems to help. I read online that it's normal so I'm not worried about it but it is very uncomfortable and I am running out of stretchy pants and dresses to wear. Luckily it's the weekend and I foresee a good array of sweatpants in my future.

I can't believe the process will be complete in a short 17 hours!!

I thought this was a cute cartoon I found: all of the unplanned pregnancy blessings in the world, our baby will be the envy of all of his playmates...