Sunday, April 29, 2012

More Surprise Blessings

I've popped out! Up until this week I didn't think I looked pregnant - I don't know if it was seeing so many people that I haven't seen in awhile and seeing their reactions and they ingrained in my brain that I am pregnant, or I've really physically popped out, (or if I've over-eaten and I've got a food-baby in there as well) but there's no more outfits that don't consist of stretchy maternity pants...which by the way are awesome, I don't think I'll ever want to wear pants with buttons again, why do that when I can feel like I'm wearing sweatpants all of the time?!?

This week was a long one - hard work, lots of brain and patience testing coming home at night was the high light of my day. Tuesday night I get home around 8:30 and there is a huge box that has our double stroller sitting in the living room! I give Todd a lot of credit for not opening that box and playing with the stroller...but I read the card and it was from my friend (who is also expecting, 1 month before us) and it just made my day. Very unexpected, very appreciated. I practiced setting it up, collapsing it, pushing it around. It's huge, and it's like pushing around a limo but I think we definitely made the right choice with the stroller we chose - a front-to back stroller. Thank you my dear friend PJL! Do we look like naturals or what? (And my dogs are too big to fit in and try it out, sorry)

So then the work week continued, we had a group dinner on Thursday night. I was grumpy, I was tired, I was very tempted to skip dinner and go home sick, officially pull the "i'm pregnant and not feeling well" card for the first time in the pregnancy. But I didn't and it was a good thing because my scheming co-workers had put together a surprise shower to go along with dinner! Another unexpected, completely appreciated, and speechless experience. After opening the presents I was just staring at the gifts in the restaurant in amazement, shocked, and thinking "OMG this is really happening!" Not only was there a group gift of the two infant carriers but there were also even more gifts. I went home with a full car. Coincidentally I got the stroller earlier in the week so I could practice putting the carriers in them and taking them out! I got to practice with the real deal. Thank you to my GLN working team, even though we rarely see each other I feel very fortunate to have all of the support.

Conversation at dinner was around if I was feeling emotional or had cravings - to which I said I didn't have anything major...but when I got home I started bawling! I don't deserve this kind of fabulous treatment, what have I done to get two babies, a fabulous husband, and a loving network of support!?

Now that we're getting some things and stocking up on diapers each time we grocery shop - I need to figure out where we're going to store all of this stuff! We put pieces together in the baby room but now I need to think about storage shelving or bins/baskets to organize all of these new baby essentials. Some pictures of the baby room painted in our Beach theme...need to get the pictures on the wall but here's what we're working with:
Before the cribs came in

Nice painting and chair rail, Todd!

Two cribs really fill up this small room...

Haven't decided if the chair will stay. And imagine the room with the curtains my mom is "thinking about" making :)

Handy man Todd building the cribs

Macy saying "what are these things that you won't let me lick, mom?"

I think that catches me up on pictures for awhile...we go to the doc for a regular check-up visit early Monday morning; take the measurements, get on the scale, and hear the heartbeats. 24 weeks...the babies could be here in 12 short weeks which boggles my mind - seems like a long way away but time is flying. On a final note, Google has updated their Blogger software and I can see statistics and such...since starting the blog there has been 2,913 views - and 4 this morning before I woke up and started writing. Whether it's mistakes or duplicates or random browser searches...whew! Burchie's feel 'da love :)

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