Tuesday, September 25, 2012

8 weeks and NOT Crazy yet!

Wow I can hardly believe it’s been 8 weeks since Emmett and Olivia were born. A lot has happened in 8 weeks. Here’s the summary of what I can remember:
  1.  They’ve both been growing very well. I “weigh” them at home (meaning I get on the scale and weigh the two of us, then put a baby down and subtract my single weight). Babies gain weight, mommy loses weight! By my calculation, Emmett is now about 12 pounds (double from his lowest weight) and Olivia is 9.5 (double from her lowest weight). Emmett is the perfect “chunkiness” now as well, he fits perfectly over my shoulder and is comfortable to hold. Olivia is still a little bony, but plump enough to where I don’t feel like I’ll break her when I burp her.
  2. The babies have been to Disney twice! I know there’s a lot of debate on how long to wait to take babies out in public, exposure to germs and whatnot. Well, the way I see it is that my dogs are licking the babies, rolling on the floor, and I don’t clean my house very often so if the babies are going to get germy and dirty they’re probably cleaner in their stroller at Disney than on the floor at home. We used the baby back-packs at Disney and they both really enjoyed looking at the scenery and being outside. Babies in the baby back-packs get 2x more the attention than babies in strollers.
  3.  I went to the Tampa Mothers of Multiples meeting and my first “play date”. Odd to think there was a play date with babies <6 months old but it was nice to get out and see other mothers and other babies. Of course I left thinking my babies were the cutest, but I also left seeing how close we are to other milestones and how babies will “play” in just a few short weeks. I’m really excited for them to interact more. There are definitely a lot of dedicated moms out there and there are plenty of tricks of the trade that I’m learning from them.
  4. We’ve seen some smiles! I’m not convinced these are smiles directed at me, probably more just a great fart coming out, but it’s still heart-melting to see them smile and happy. Emmett smiles at Disney Jr when it’s on TV, he really enjoys Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. Hot dog, hot dog hot diggity dog…
  5.  Babies are consistently sleeping 7-8 hours per night, and it’s been that way for probably 2 weeks. No joke! We didn’t even “sleep train” formally, I just got the book last week and started thinking about it. They seem to be doing fine themselves! We’ve got them eating at 4 hour increments, the last bottle is between 8:30-9:00pm,then they go in their crib and they wake up 4:30-5:00ish. At that point Emmett doesn’t want to be in his crib, but Olivia is content laying in her crib (not even sleeping) until 8 or so. It’s really pretty awesome.
  6. The dogs are amazing with the babies.Mac has finally started warming up to them and now he’s protective, attentive when they cry, and will give kisses if we ask him to. The pups will be so happy when the babies are starting to move around and eventually throw the tennis ball for them!
  7. Best baby shower gift is the enormous diaper stash. It’s so nice to not have to worry about purchasing diapers or running out of diapers in the middle of the night. We are consistently going through 20-25 each day but it doesn’t look like we’ve even made a dent in our diaper stash! Emmett is in size 2 diapers now so again it was nice to have those in the stash and just move up on size and not have to stock up.
  8. I still can’t decide which diapers I like best – Huggies or Pampers. Each have their benefits and limitations. Huggies have cute outsides but their elastic isn’t as flexible…Pampers are boring and ugly which you wouldn’t think is a big deal but when there’s poop in the diaper you can see through it and see all of the dirty in the diaper! Gross! It’s a very secure diaper and not leaky but if a baby is wearing a white outfit you’d see the poop through the outfit. Also, the rewards points and prizes for Huggies are considerably better than Pampers! The products have comparable “point values” for each brand but Huggies rewards catalog has toys and fun products starting around 400 points…Pampers you need about 2,000! Not cool, Pampers.
  9. Even though I weigh LESS than I did on implantation date, my clothes don’t fit. I now understand why MOM JEANS exist…skin and muscles don’t fall back the same way so I will be wearing dresses and elastic skirts since my work pants don’t fit. Also, since my boobs are gigantic (comparable to Pamela Anderson) my shirts don’t fit right either so I don’t really know what I’m going to wear. It will feel nice to dress up again at work, wear something other than flip flops, and feel pretty doing make up. I must still have some excess fluid because my wedding rings don’t fit yet L
  10. My husband is the greatest. I think he actually enjoys changing diapers – the dirtier the happier he is! What a great partner to have in this adventure, a great leader in our family to show how important it is to take care of each other and share in responsibilities. The mom’s groups I’m in on Facebook there is always a post complaining about husbands and how they don’t help, don’t appreciate, etc…I read those and have a little smile to myself knowing I don’t have that to complain about. I know who’s getting a “World’s Greatest Dad” mug for Christmas…

Almost at the 2 month mark and it’s been really great. Yes my life has changed but not completely. I’ve never been a great sleeper, I like having a “purpose”, we still go out to dinner, we still make it to Disney. We’ll see how I handle my first day of work tomorrow though…

Baby carriers = lots of attention!

Olivia, getting plumpy

Emmett, getting plumpy

Macy watching over the babies

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