Thursday, July 5, 2012

33 Week Update

We’re in the final stretch, with stretch-marks to prove it!  I was in dire need of “mommy” time; for the past 2 weeks I’d been a nervous wreck, coming home from work and just crying. I think it’s just the waiting process that is overwhelming at this point and the uncertainty of when they’ll come, where I’ll be, and what it’s going to be like. I guess Todd was sick of trying to console me in my hormonal tear-fest so he called my mom and asked her to come down for the weekend and spend time with me. It was wonderful – we didn’t do a lot, and I think mom was bored because she cleaned, dusted, swept, washed my dishes, vacuumed, did laundry, etc. I felt helpless but it kept her busy. We left the weekend very clear that we have more than everything we need to bring the babies home – we just need the babies to come home so we stop being stir-crazy. It’s amazing how quickly the room fills up with silly baby gear…

Pictures from Mommy time: 
Me and Todd

Family photo (Mac is behind Macy)

Granny Sue and me

My boobs look pretty small even though they've grown 2 sizes

Not my best, but puts into perspective

So after washing the newborn clothes, assuming that my twins will be born at a small size (the average weight of twins at term of 36 weeks is 5.5lbs) we went in for an ultrasound and what do you know, the babies are already at 5 pounds!  I’m glad they are healthy and growing steadily but now all of these newborn clothes that I took tags off of and washed may not be able to be used! Just my luck! The last thing I want to do is more laundry and have wasted tiny little clothes…

Other updates from the ultrasound :
  •  no reason to be concerned about my excessive swelling. Blood pressure is normal, no other symptoms that should cause me worry regarding my huge feet and sausage fingers.
  • Both babies are not vertex and as they run out of room to move I’ll be having a c-section to get them out. If Baby A would be vertex I could try normal delivery but as long as she’s sitting sideways there isn’t any other option. Baby A (girl) is laying in a “C” shape with her head on the left side of my abdomen and her butt on the cervix and she’s facing my back.  Baby B (boy) is laying sideways with his head under my left ribcage facing outward toward my stomach. So unless there’s some major gymnastics this week I’ll be going under the knife. I guess I deserve that – pregnancy just seemed too easy  so I guess delivery/recovery will have to be the difficult part. It’ll be good to have it planned though, I like a good schedule and that can allow time for my parents to get tickets to fly down if they want, get the dogs situated at their temporary home, and allow us a non-dramatic trip to the hospital.
  • Baby boy’s head is the size of a 35 week baby…lots of brain in that big Burchell head!
  • Baby boy’s size in general  (5lb 3oz) is on the 75th percentile on the growth charts…of a singleton! That’s right, he’s bigger than most SINGLE babies at this same time!
  • Baby girl’s size (4 lb 11oz) is in the 54th percentile on the growth charts. So combined we’re talking 10 pounds of baby in there right now. No wonder my stomach feels crazy heavy.
  • Babies were of such superior weight that they had me do the glucose screening test again to check for gestational diabetes to see if there is a reason they’re growing so quickly. Hopefully the results are OK so I can 1) be correct and rub it in Todd's face and 2) so I don't have to cut out sweets!
  • Doctor told a funny joke about c-sections: “selling a c-section to a woman in labor is like selling ice cream to someone in the desert”.
Some fun Twins Facts:
  • Twin pregnancy is considered full term at 36 weeks and 3 days
  • 22% of twins are left handed; only 10% of singletons are left handed
  • 40% of twins invent their own languages
  • Twin fetuses start bonding at just 14 weeks and can appear to socially interact with each other just hours after birth. Friends for life!
  • Moms of twins tend to live longer than moms without twins

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