We had our 12-week check up yesterday with our new doctor group at USF - just the general OB/GyN department. The plan is to rotate through the doctors since it's a doctor's group so unfortunately we won't see the same doctor every time. Both Todd and I walked out of the appointment a little disappointed yesterday and I realized why: through the IVF procedure we really created a 1 on 1 bond with our doctor and nurse coordinator. They knew us, they knew our history, they knew exactly what day and what was going on, they provided us a calendar and everything.. We saw them so frequently, looking back at my calendar we visited Dr Mayer/USF IVF over 20 times in a 5 month period. It was a huge peak in visits, started out slowly, then during the shots process we were going everyday for blood work and follow up, and then back down to ever 2 weeks. Now our visit schedule is every 4 weeks! How anticlimactic?! I know it will pick back up towards the end of the pregnancy but right now we were on such an excited high and we're slowing down.
We officially signed up for our first baby class - we are going to the "Preparing for Multiples" class on March 6th at TGH. I'm excited, I should be showing more by then but most importatnly we'll meet other couples who are having twins in the tampa area and make some relationships and get some ideas back and forth for how to deal with certain things. I'm also considering joining the local chapter of the Mothers of Twins Club to get more info and advice. People at work are hearing about it now and for those people I'm not comfortable giving the whole IVF story to i just tell them we're having twins. When they ask "do twins run in either of your families?" I smartly answer..."THEY DO NOW!!" Always gets a chuckle.
At this point I guess no news is good news for us - we heard both heartbeats again yesterday and this time it was through my belly! I didn't have to get undressed or anything, they were able to pick up the heartbeats just through the external doppler. Even the intern was able to pick up Baby #1's (on my right side) immediately. Baby #2 was hiding a little but still had a normal heart rate. She also said my uterus is up towards my belly button already (whatever that means) but i think it means my belly is growing even if you can't see it under my jelly rolls.
Happy 12 weeks! 24 more weeks to go for safe twin due date!
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