I took some home pregnancy tests during the 2 week window and got a postive toward the end so it wasn't as nerve wrecking to go to get the blood test last Wednesday. Then, blood test results for 11dp5dt were a 787 which is really good. They were measuring the HCG levels in my blood, which is the hormone the baby gives off when it starts growing the first 12 weeks. Heathly baby development is indicated by that HCG number doubling in 48 hours so I was instructed to go back for a test in 48 hours. The results from my 13dp5dt was nearly 2100 - most definitly a doubling! Very exciting!!
So this morning we had our first sonogram to see the gestational sacs and evaluate my ovaries to make sure they are healing property. You tell me...how many sacs to do see?!?!
It kind of looks like a pigs nose, but there are 2 sacs in there which indicates two babies are growing as of now! What an amazing thing to think that through this whole adventure the two that were selected to go back in are the two that are sticking it out right now! We still have a very long way to go, we are not in the clear yet (haven't heard heartbeats, haven't seen spine development) but as of right now we couldn't feel any more fortunate. And if something does happen, we have 6 more frozen blasties waiting to be used.
How am I feeling? Burchell Bloat is back unfortunately. Doctor seems very concerned that my ovaries have not gone down, he said I need to only drink Gatorade (no more water) and other things that will draw blood and fluid back into my bloodstream and out of my ovaries. I have to be monitored very closely for Ovary Hyper Stimulation Syndrome so more bloodwork, daily weigh ins, daily measuring. Probably my big busy disney weekend of walking around and eating like a big didn't help so this week I'm back on the V8, chicken soup, and gatorade diet until christmas cookies anyway :)
Thank you for your continued prayers and support - we've still got a long way to go so please say two little prayers for our two little babies that are growing right now!
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